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#Maninder's Artificial Intelligence_HumanResources_journey.

Guitar classes near me, Human Resources and Artificial intelligence
Guitar classes near me, Human Resources and Artificial intelligence
It isn't as if I never knew what I was doing, but Human Resources dawned pretty late on me, I always was a people's person and when this opportunity came my way, I said,
"Hey! why not?" and jumped careers to start afresh. Within two years, and thats the time it took for me to fire this concept, I was recruiting and reviewing people but could I do it for real, working for someone.
said my inner conscience, and I wrote a message to an acquaintance who would change my life with an offer for a Human Resource development job.

Do whatever you want

There comes a time in your life when what ever you do seems to click, and I seem to be riding that wave.

I have belief that God has set a path for me, I wasn’t always deterministic but this is my life now.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources, Guitar classes near me

Melodic Patterns

My journey as a Guitar artist and how to push a passion like AI HR generalist skills.

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+91 9910669700

Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070


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